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Gold Price Goes Up in Value – You Can Bet on That

Gold Goes Up In Value

Investing in Gold


Gold goes up in value. You can bet on that. The thing is for you to not be in a hurry to sell.

Great Example

A gentleman bought (20) 1 Ounce Troy gold Krugerrand in October 1977 at $169 each.  That day the Troy Ounce of gold was at $158.  I bought them in March 2012 at $1630 each. That means that the US Dollar has de-valuated 10 times.  At that time $100,000 was the equivalent to $1'000,000 now.  If the gentleman would have saved in US Dollars, he would still have $3160.  Since gold kept up with inflation, in March 2012 his gold was $32600.  If you need to invest in gold, call 971-222-3435.  I can sell you gold and silver for physical possession.   See the video below.