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Sell Silver Flatware Portland Vancouver

Sell Silver Flatware Portland Vancouver

Sterling Silver Flatware used to be a very big thing.   In mid 20th Century America, every family needed to have that.  These set were evidence of prosperity.  Entertaining friends always included using the best silver flatware possible.  If not, at least high quality plated flatware.

Here Are the Details:

  • American sterling flatware is usually 925 parts per 1000 silver.
  • Most European sterling is 800 to 900 parts per 1000.
  • Latin American 950 per 1000.

Thus the markings 800, 900, 925 and 950.  Pure silver is not practical for flatware because it is very difficult to polish and scratched even faster.

If you need to sell sterling silver flatware, jewelry or other items, contact me at [email protected] or call me at 971-222-3435