Dollar Symbol 14K Gold Money Clip
Vintage Dollar Symbol 14K Gold Money Clip
Money play a huge role in our society. Our currency is the U.S. Dollar. What a better way to hold your money than in a solid 14K gold clip. This is a great example of such gold jewelry. This vintage 14K dollar symbol money clips securely holds ten bills. Do you want to celebrate your cash. Carry it in a Dollar Sign Money clip.
This vintage 14K solid gold clip is very well made and very bold. It is for those who like to celebrate cash. Most likely it dates back to the early 1970’s. As soon as gold became legal again in the USA, people went crazy with it. Here is a good example of 1970’s vintage gold jewelry. The clip is in great shape. It can take some buffing, but it is cool as it is.
Cool Facts
I calculated, being conservative the following:
- The present melt value of this gold money clip is much higher than what they paid for it new as a luxury item
- The amount of money, in $20 bills it can carry, in the early 70′ could get you more than what it can carry today $100 bills
Note: I did this none scientifically.
Do you enjoy flashing around your cash?
Carry it in gold clip with a dollar sign!
People will notice
You can be on that